Law firms can accelerate discovery phase at a fraction of their current costs
By Published On: February 19, 2023Categories: Legal
Law firms can accelerate discovery phase at a fraction of their current costs copy

According to a report by IDC, a data provider, the ediscovery software and services market is estimated to reach $16.7bn by 2024. The cost of discovery for a single case can range between a few hundreds to even millions of dollars depending on the context. Discovery is a very time consuming and laborious process which can consume paralegals for days and weeks, if not months. In the above context, law firms across the globe are adapting to technology and automating their mundane but vital administrative tasks like legal discovery. Discovery is the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they will present at trial. This process covers study of written discovery, depositions, covenants, hypothecated agreements and other collateral documents.

Artificial intelligence algorithms can play a major role here to equip paralegals with tools to help focus more on specialised tasks that require their creativity and intelligence by automating daily repetitive tasks:

  • Scan deposition and covenant documents and extract text information instantly
  • Digitise handwritten discovery documents and extract text information on the spot
  • Classify documents and move it to appropriate folders as per given structure
  • Automatically connect to central libraries, identify relevant precedents and annotate with case information
  • Tabulate financial statements in standard format and identify discrepancies by comparing with other sources
  • Cross check covenants with standard templates and identify missing information
  • Identify “faces” of unknown individual(s) in a photo or video surveillance using image detection and facial recognition technology
  • Structure, collate, annotate and highlight case files automatically for senior lawyers in relevant formats

Intics.AI has already made a head start in this space by helping a Sweden based Intellectual Property helpware vendor. We use “pixel intelligence” to extract information from scanned IP documents, tabulate information based on key value pair attribution, lookup and match common IDs. This information can be further used to track IP application status information, approvals, renewal (maintenance) timelines, infringements, lease or rent, transfer or sell rights to third parties. Visit our site to learn more about Intics.AI’s pixel intelligence.


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